Certification Resources
Certification Lookup:
Educator certifications can be verified through the CSDE's Online Certification Lookup.
Renewal of Certification:
The district recommends that three months prior to the expiration of your certification, please begin the recertification process by submitting an application using the State of Connecticut Certification website automated system. (Note: This can be done up to six months prior to the expiration of your certification.)
If you are currently employed, you will be asked to submit an ED 126 Statement of Professional Experience form, which needs to be completed by the school district, verifying your working experience. Complete the top portion of the ED 126 form, and send it to via email or interoffice mail to:
Attn: Heidi Greguoli
When the ED 126 form is complete, Talent Management will return it to you for submission to the State of Connecticut.
Upon receipt of your renewed educator certification in the mail, please forward a photocopy to Talent Management through interoffice mail which will be added to your personnel file.
Update Profile and Contact Information on CECS:
To update your profile and contact information, including name change, email and address:
1. Log into the State of Connecticut Certification website
2. Log into your CECS account;
3. Access your profile to update your contact information and name changes
4. Click the update button before leaving to save changes.
CT State Department of Education Certification Bureau Contact Information:
Phone: 860-713-6969 12 pm - 4 pm, Monday and Thursday
Fax: 860-713-7017
E-mail: [email protected]
Electronic Transcripts: [email protected]